Home > Order Overview / Order Status > Status Information

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Status Information

You want to be informed with your order status anytime. Here you receive the most important status information at a glance – and always up-to-date.


  • On the central menu bar, click the Inquiry icon image16.gif. Your orders will be displayed.
  • In the Status column, you can read the current status of each order.


The following is represented as an icon with a short description:

  • image21.gifOrder placed (Open): Your order has been received at our company, but has not been processed yet.
  • image22.gifOrdered (Open): Your order has already been forwarded to the corresponding plant.
  • image23.gifOrder at work (Open): Order confirmation received from plant - without a binding deadline.
  • image24.gifOrder confirmed (Open): Order confirmation received from the factory – with a definitive delivery date.
  • image25.gifDelivery transferred to carrier (Complete): The product has left the factory/distribution center.
  • image26.gifCancelled (Complete): You have canceled your order.



To see the newest information on your status, you can click the status label to update it manually.
