If the status of your order were
changed, you can be informed by receiving either complete information
or certain details via e-mail.
- Place your mouse pointer on your user details next to icon
- Choose User Self Service.
This will open a User Preferences window.
- Click on the Profile Data/Address
tab and scroll down.
- Select the checkbox of the corresponding mails that you
would like to receive.
- Click Save to complete
the process.
For instance, if you subscribed to order status mails, you could
obtain the updates via e-mail, including
- Shipping date confirmed added
- Shipping date confirmed changed
- Article number changed
- Quantity confirmed added
- Quantity confirmed changed
- Item cancelled
Furthermore, you can also subscribe to delivery confirmation
mails which contain information on articles which have been already
transferred to carrier. Therefore you can still trace your product
after they left our plants.
As company administrator, you can select the notification options
for other users:
- Place your mouse on the main menu bar on the Administration
. A drop down menu will open.
- Select User. This
will open a user overview. Click on the name of the user.
- Scroll down the page to see the user data table. Choose
under the tab User Details
the Order Processing
- Check the corresponding notification that you would like
- Complete the process by clicking Save.