Siemens Industry Mall help


Your cart is preset to the earliest possible delivery date. But you have a few options to change this if required - for all or specific items in your shopping cart, as well as (charges will apply) express orders.


Requested Delivery Date

When ordering you can enter your desired delivery date. You have the option of a complete delivery or individually split partial deliveries.

On the right in your cart, you will find an info box with your delivery date.

  • Complete delivery: You can enter your preferred delivery date in the Requ. delivery date field.
  • Partial delivery: Click Requ. delivery date to open the drop-down menu next to the input field. Select Per Item. Another column, Requ. delivery date, will now be added to the cart. You can specify the delivery date for each individual item of the cart in this column.

Ordering Tip

After entering your requested date, check the availability of your ordered products again.


























Delivery date