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7MF0340-1GL01-5DM2-Z A02+B11+E21
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SITRANS P320 Pressure transmitter Differential pressure and flow PN160 HART (4...20 mA) Measuring cell filling: Silicone oil Maximum measuring span: 250 mbar (100.5 inH²O) Oval flange, fastening thread: 7/16-20 UNF (IEC 61518) Process connection: Stainless steel 316L/1.4404, Seal diaphragms: Stainless steel 316L/1.4404, Sensor differential pressure: Process flange: Stainless steel 316/1.4408 Die-cast aluminum housing Dual chamber device Intrinsic safety, Explosion proof 2 x 1/2-14 NPT With display (lid with glass window) Cable gland and sealing plug attached, stainless steel Labeling type plate German - bar CSA (USA & Canada)
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Article Number (Market Facing Number) 7MF0340-1GL01-5DM2-Z A02+B11+E21
Product Description SITRANS P320 Pressure transmitter Differential pressure and flow PN160 HART (4...20 mA) Measuring cell filling: Silicone oil Maximum measuring span: 250 mbar (100.5 inH²O) Oval flange, fastening thread: 7/16-20 UNF (IEC 61518) Process connection: Stainless steel 316L/1.4404, Seal diaphragms: Stainless steel 316L/1.4404, Sensor differential pressure: Process flange: Stainless steel 316/1.4408 Die-cast aluminum housing Dual chamber device Intrinsic safety, Explosion proof 2 x 1/2-14 NPT With display (lid with glass window) Cable gland and sealing plug attached, stainless steel Labeling type plate German - bar CSA (USA & Canada)
Product family Gauge pressure (pressure series)
Product Lifecycle (PLM) PM300:Active Product
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Price Group / Headquarter Price Group 8P1
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Metal Factor None
Delivery information
Export Control Regulations ECCN : EAR99H / AL : N
Estimated dispatch time (Working Days) 20 Day/Days
Net Weight (kg) 4.000 Kg
Package size unit of measure Not available
Quantity Unit 1 Piece
Packaging Quantity 1
Additional Product Information
EAN Not available
UPC Not available
Commodity Code Not available
LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID FI01-1
Product Group 4770
Group Code R3P0
Country of origin France
Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive Since: 17/09/18
Product class C: products manufactured / produced to order, which cannot be reused or re-utilised or be returned against credit.
WEEE (2012/19/EU) Take-Back Obligation Yes
REACH Art. 33 Duty to inform according to the current list of candidates
There is currently no information on SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern from the supply chain and our established procedures for screening our products for Substances of Very High Concern. We compare our products regularly with the information of the upstream users with regard to the substances indicated in the candidate list in accordance with the requirements of the REACH regulation. As soon as we have new findings, our information will be updated accordingly.
SCIP number
Version Classification
eClass 12 27-20-06-14
eClass 14 27-20-06-14
eClass 6 27-20-06-14
eClass 7.1 27-20-06-14
eClass 8 27-20-06-14
eClass 9 27-20-06-14
eClass 9.1 27-20-06-14
ETIM 7 EC002990
ETIM 8 EC002990
ETIM 9 EC002990
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