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SIMATIC ET 200SP, modulo di ingressi analogici, AI Energy Meter CT ST, per trasformatore di corrente 1A o 5A, adatto per BU tipo U0, diagnostica di canale
SIMATIC ET 200SP, modulo di ingressi analogici, AI Energy Meter CT ST, per trasformatore di corrente 1A o 5A, adatto per BU tipo U0, diagnostica di canale
Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w):
Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation.
Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w):
Lead monoxide (lead oxide)
Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation.
Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w):
Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation.