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Image similar
LOGO! 12/24RCEO, logic module, PS/I/O: 12/24VDC/relay, 8 DI (4 AI)/4 DQ, without display, memory 400 blocks, modular expandable, Ethernet, integrated web server, data log, user-defined web pages, standard microSD card for LOGO! Soft Comfort V8.3 or higher, older projects executable cloud connection in all LOGO! 8.3 basic units
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Artikelnummer 6ED1052-2MD08-0BA1
Artikelomschrijving LOGO! 12/24RCEO, logic module, PS/I/O: 12/24VDC/relay, 8 DI (4 AI)/4 DQ, without display, memory 400 blocks, modular expandable, Ethernet, integrated web server, data log, user-defined web pages, standard microSD card for LOGO! Soft Comfort V8.3 or higher, older projects executable cloud connection in all LOGO! 8.3 basic units
Product family Ordering Data Overview
Product Lifecycle (PLM) PM490:Start of final Year of support
PLM Effective Date Produkt abgekündigt seit: 02-04-24
Product is niet meer leverbaar. Opvolger:
6ED1052-2MD08-0BA2 Producten vergelijken
Informatie over opvolger
Successor 6ED1052-2MD08-0BA2
Successor Description LOGO! 12/24RCEO, logic module, power supply / I/O: 12/24 V DC/relay, 8 DI (4 AI)/4 DO, without display, memory 400 blocks, modularly expandable, Ethernet, integrated web server, data log, user-defined web pages, standard microSD card for LOGO! Soft Comfort V8.4 or higher, older projects executable cloud connection, MQTT in all LOGO! 8.4 basic units
Price data
Productgroep / Internationale productgroep 12A / 200
Lijstprijs Laat prijzen zien
Klantprijs Laat prijzen zien
Metaalfactor None
Export coderingen AL : N / ECCN : EAR99H
Levertijd 1 Dag/Dagen
Netto gewicht (kg) 0,234 KG
Verpakkings afmetingen 8,10 x 9,30 x 7,00
Afmetingseenheid CM
Verpakkingseenheid 1 Stuks
Verpakkingshoeveelheid 1
Additional Product Information
EAN 4034106033668
UPC 195125091573
Statistieknummer 85371091
Fabrikaatgroep 4071
Group Code R131
Land van herkomst China
RoHS conformiteit datum RoHS compliant since: 30-09-20
Productklasse A: Standaard product die op voorraad is van geretourneerd worden volgens de voorwaarden/periode
WEEE (2012/19/EU) Take-Back Obligation Ja
REACH Art. 33 Duty to inform according to the current list of candidates

Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w):


Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation.

Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w):

Lead monoxide (lead oxide)

Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation.

SCIP number
Versie Classificatie
eClass 12 27-24-22-16
eClass 6 27-24-22-16
eClass 7.1 27-24-22-16
eClass 8 27-24-22-16
eClass 9 27-24-22-16
eClass 9.1 27-24-22-16
ETIM 7 EC001417
ETIM 8 EC001417
ETIM 9 EC001417
IDEA 4 3565
UNSPSC 15 32-15-17-05