11.03.25 18:02:04
Residual current operated circuit breaker, 4-pole, type A, short-time delayed, In: 80 A, 300 mA, Un AC: 400 V
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Article Number (Market Facing Number) 5SV3647-6KK01
Product Description Residual current operated circuit breaker, 4-pole, type A, short-time delayed, In: 80 A, 300 mA, Un AC: 400 V
Product family Not available
Product Lifecycle (PLM) PM300:Active Product
Price data
Price Group / Headquarter Price Group 1AH
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Metal Factor L-A-----
Delivery information
Export Control Regulations ECCN : N / AL : N
Estimated dispatch time (Working Days) 5 Day/Days
Net Weight (kg) 0,374 Kg
Packaging Dimension 97,00 x 78,00 x 85,00
Package size unit of measure MM
Quantity Unit 1 Piece
Packaging Quantity 1
Additional Product Information
EAN 4001869430942
UPC Not available
Commodity Code 85362090
LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID LV10.1
Product Group 5511
Group Code P310
Country of origin Germany
RoHS Conformity Date Since: 01.06.06
Product class B: return restricted, please contact your Siemens partner/contact
WEEE (2012/19/EU) Take-Back Obligation Yes
REACH Art. 33 Duty to inform according to the current list of candidates

Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w):


Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation.

Information obligation imposed by Article 33, REACH Regulation: This product includes one or several articles in which the following substance of the candidate list is contained in concentrations higher than 0,1% weight by weight (w/w):


Based on the information currently available, we assume that these substances do not pose any risk if the articles are used as intended (including disposal). Please also refer to product documentation.

SCIP number
  Not available