You have forgotten your password
and cannot log into the Siemens Industry Mall anymore. Or you
would like to change your existing password.
Request new password
- On the home page of the Industry Mall, click Login.
A login window will open.
- Use the Forgotten your
password? link. A new window will open.
- You need to enter just your user name (login).
- Click Next.
After submitting your application you will receive an e-mail
with a link. It will take you to a page where you can enter a
new password.
Change password
You can create a new password yourself.
- Place your mouse on your user details next to icon
- Select User Self Service.
This opens the User Preferences window.
- Click on Access to the
System tab. Enter and confirm the new password.
- Click Save to complete
this process.
As Company Administrator you can change passwords of all
users in your company:
- Rest your mouse pointer on the administration icon on the
central menu bar
. Click Users
in the drop down menu.
- Click on users name in the list of users. You will now
see a list of user details.
- Select the User Details
- Enter and confirm the new password.
- Click Save to complete
the process.