SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture Services
SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture (WinCC OA) is a SCADA system for visualizing and operating processes, production flows, machines and plants in all industrial sectors.
This high degree of flexibility requires comprehensive support for our customers and especially our partners. WinCC OA staff are happy to provide support for a wide range of challenges.
Services are offered in the following categories:
- Basic Support: Support in the event of product errors of the latest three versions within the framework of valid development licenses or maintenance contracts (SUS/SMS)
- Extended Services: Consulting and configuration activities as well as support for older WinCC OA versions
- Solution: Development activities based on precise, technical specifications
- Trainings: Defined trainings and hands-on trainings
- Travel costs: For Extended Services or on-site training
- Trade goods: Third-party goods sold through WinCC OA
These are services of the product supplier.
Overview of software services
Software services (POS/SUS/SMS) must be ordered together with the respective WinCC OA license.
A later conclusion of a software service agreement is only possible during the warranty period after the initial order of the associated license.
The service period is one year and is automatically extended if it is not terminated in writing by one of the contract partners 1 month before the end of the contract period. (Exceptions may exist for certain regions).
Invoicing for the annual contract takes place at the beginning of the service period.
WinCC OA Software Services can be agreed for the current release and the last two WinCC OA releases.
Software services can be obtained for any WinCC OA version in accordance with the WinCC OA license in the article numbering scheme (version independence of the article number).
The following applies to all orders: If a type of software service (POS/SUS/SMS/UPG) has been selected, this must be additionally specified for the entire order. A similar software service option must accordingly be added for each item in the order. The license and service MLFB numbers must match exactly; otherwise, it can occur that an update cannot be installed or the license is not functional or only partially functional after an update.
Security patches that solve security issues published on the Siemens product CERT can also be applied to a WinCC OA installation without an existing software service.
Software service during the warranty period
The customer has the right to download software patches for one year after purchase. Product defects can be reported at any time. Details on accessibility are described in the support description under winccoa.com/support. This does not give rise to any entitlement to support.
WinCC OA Patch Only Service (POS)
Customers with a valid "Patch Only Service" are authorized to download the latest generally available patches from the WinCC OA Portal/Download area (https://www.winccoa.com) and install them on each server covered by this software service.
Switching from a POS to an SUS can be performed by procuring the discounted POS upgrade.
The POS service flat fee is not offset against any other active license services.
WinCC OA Software Upgrade Service (SUS)
The Software Upgrade Service contains all services of the POS as well as:
- Upgrade authorization to available versions of WinCC OA (major release v3.xx).
- Basic Support by ETM Customer Care according to the service level description.
The Software Upgrade Service does not include:
- Individual troubleshooting
- Installation, implementation and activation of upgrades and/or updates
WinCC OA Software Maintenance Service (SMS)
The Software Maintenance Service contains all services of the SUS as well as:
- Individual troubleshooting according to WinCC OA Product Support classification
- 24/7 online submissions of product support requests via Siemens Industry Online Support (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/start?lc=en-BG)
You can find details on this in the WinCC OA Basic Support node. Depending on the number of licensed PowerTags, a predefined number of Basic Support hours is available per reported case.
The Software Maintenance Service does not include:
- Installation, implementation and activation of upgrades and/or updates
- WinCC OA product support for versions that are no longer supported
- Project-specific issues and questions (e.g. relating to engineering). Extended Services can be offered in these cases
- Telephone assistance in the development of new WinCC OA Managers with C++ and C#.
- Support, remote or on-site, to reproduce a fault.
This can be provided by a WinCC OA expert via a separate Extended Services agreement.
One-time software version upgrade / One Time Upgrade (UPG)
The One Time Upgrade for plant licenses is based on the current license price of the installed WinCC OA license options and is available for all license options.
Customers who purchase a One Time Upgrade have a one-time authorization as of WinCC OA Version 3.13 to upgrade to the latest version and to download patches of this version that are generally available at the time of purchase from the WinCC OA Portal/Download area (https://www.winccoa.com). These can only be installed on servers for which a One Time Upgrade has been purchased.
WinCC OA Support by ETM Customer Care supports the current release and the last two WinCC OA releases.
The One Time Upgrade does not include:
- Basic Support by ETM Customer Care
- Individual troubleshooting
- Installation, implementation and activation of updates and/or releases
An SUS or SMS can be reordered for a license upgraded with UPG.
The warranty period of a UPG license is 12 months.