- 19" rack unit with 4 U for installation
- In hinged frame
- In cabinets with or without telescopic rails
- Front plate can be swung down for servicing purposes (laptop connection)
- Gas connections for sample gas inlet and outlet; pipe diameter 6 mm or ¼"
- Gas and electrical connections at the rear of the device
Display and operator panel
- Large LCD field for simultaneous display of
- Measured value
- Status bar
- Measuring ranges
- Contrast of LCD panel adjustable using menu
- Permanent LED backlighting
- Washable membrane keyboard with five softkeys
- Menu-driven operation for parameterization, test functions, adjustment
- User help in plain text
- Graphic display of concentration trend; programmable time intervals
- Bilingual operating software German/English, English/Spanish, French/English, Spanish/English, Italian/English
Inputs and outputs
- One analog output per medium (from 0, 2, 4 to 20 mA; NAMUR parameterizable)
- Six digital inputs freely configurable (e.g. for measuring range switchover, processing of external signals from sample preparation)
- Six relay outputs freely configurable (failure, maintenance demanded, maintenance switch, limit alarm, external solenoid valves)
- Two analog inputs configurable (e.g. correction of cross-interference, external pressure sensor)
- Expansion by eight additional digital inputs and eight additional relay outputs for autocalibration with up to four calibration gases
RS 485 present in basic unit (connection from the rear).
- RS 485/RS 232 converter
- RS 485/Ethernet converter
- RS 485/USB converter
- Connection to networks via PROFIBUS DP/PA interface
- SIPROM GA software as service and maintenance tool
OXYMAT 61, membrane keyboard and graphic display
Designs – Parts wetted by sample gas, standard
Gas path
19" rack unit
With hoses
Stainless steel. Mat. no. 1.4571
FKM (Viton)
Sample chamber
Stainless steel. Mat. no. 1.4571
Fittings for sample chamber
Stainless steel. Mat. no. 1.4571
PTFE (Teflon)
FKM (Viton)
Hose coupling
Polyamide 6
Flow indicator
Measuring tube
Variable area
Suspension boundary
Angle units
Duran glass
Duran glass, black
PTFE (Teflon)
FKM (Viton)
Pressure switch
FKM (Viton)
PA 6.3 T
Gas path
Gas path OXYMAT 61 with integrated reference gas pump (connection for 1 100 hPa, absolute)
Gas path OXYMAT 61 with reference gas connection 3 000 to 5 000 hPa, absolute
Legend for the gas path figures
Sample gas inlet
Pressure switch in sample gas path (option)
Sample gas outlet
Restrictor in reference gas channel (outlet)
Not used
Pressure switch for reference gas monitoring
Reference gas inlet
Restrictor in reference gas inlet
O2 physical system
Flow indicator in sample gas path (option)
Restrictor in sample gas path
Pressure sensor
In contrast to almost all other gases, oxygen is paramagnetic. This property is utilized as the measuring principle by the OXYMAT 61 gas analyzers.
Oxygen molecules in an inhomogeneous magnetic field are drawn in the direction of increased field strength due to their paramagnetism. When two gases with different oxygen contents meet in a magnetic field, a pressure difference is produced between them.
In the case of OXYMAT 61, one gas (1) is a reference gas (N2, O2 or air), the other is the sample gas (5). The reference gas is introduced into the sample chamber (6) through two channels (3). One of these reference gas streams meets the sample gas within the area of a magnetic field (7). Because the two channels are connected, the pressure, which is proportional to the oxygen content, causes a cross flow. This flow is converted into an electric signal by a microflow sensor (4).
The microflow sensor consists of two nickel-plated grids heated to approximately 120 °C, which, along with two supplementary resistors, form a Wheatstone bridge. The pulsating flow results in a change in the resistance of the Ni grids. This leads to an offset in the bridge which is dependent on the oxygen concentration of the sample gas.
Because the microflow sensor is located in the reference gas stream, the measurement is not influenced by the thermal conductivity, the specific heat or the internal friction of the sample gas. This also provides a high degree of corrosion resistance because the microflow sensor is not exposed to the direct influence of the sample gas.
By using a magnetic field with alternating strength (8), the effect of the background flow in the microflow sensor is not detected, and the measurement is thus independent of the sample chamber position as well as the gas analyzer's operating position.
The sample chamber is directly in the sample path and has a small volume, and the microflow sensor is a low-lag sensor. This results in a very short response time for the OXYMAT 61.
The sample gases must be fed into the analyzers free of dust. Condensation in the sample chambers must be prevented. Therefore, gas modified for the measuring tasks is necessary in most application cases.
OXYMAT 61, mode of operation
Main features
- Four measuring ranges which can be freely configured, even with suppressed zero point; all measuring ranges are linear
- Galvanically isolated measured value output 0/2/4 through to 20 mA (including inverted)
- Choice of automatic or manual measurement range switchover; remote switching is also possible
- Storage of measured values possible during calibration
- Wide range of selectable time constants (static/dynamic noise damping); i.e. the response time of the device can be adapted to the respective measuring task
- Easy handling thanks to menu-driven operation
- Low long-term drift
- Two control levels with separate authorization codes for the prevention of accidental and unauthorized operator interventions
- Automatic measuring range calibration parameterizable
- Operation based on NAMUR recommendation
- Monitoring of sample gas (option)
- Custom-made device designs, such as:
- Customer acceptance
- TAG plates
- Drift recording
- Simple handling using a numerical membrane keyboard and operator prompting
- Short response time
- Reference gas supply either externally (N2, O2 or air, approx. 3 000 hPa) or via built-in reference gas pump (ambient air, approx. 1 100 hPa abs.)
- Monitoring of reference gas with reference gas connection; only for version with built-in reference gas pump
- Different smallest measuring spans, depending on the version 2.0% or 5.0% O2
- Internal pressure sensor for correction of fluctuations in the sample gas pressure
Reference gases for OXYMAT 61
Measuring range
Recommended reference gas
Reference gas connection pressure
0 to … vol.% O2
2 000 … 4 000 hPa above sample gas pressure (max. 5 000 hPa absolute)
The reference gas flow is set automatically to 5 … 10 ml/min.
… to 100 vol.% O2
2 000 … 4 000 hPa above sample gas pressure (max. 5 000 hPa absolute)
Approx. 21 vol.% O2
Atm. air pressure with internal reference gas pump
1) Suppressed zero point with measuring range end value 100 vol.% O2.
2) Suppressed zero point with 21 vol.% O2 within the measuring span.
Correction of zero-point error/cross-sensitivities
Accompanying gas (concentration 100 vol.%)
Zero point deviation in vol.% O2 absolute
Organic gases
Ethane C2H6
Ethene (ethylene) C2H4
Ethine (acetylene) C2H2
1,2-butadiene C4H6
1,3-butadiene C4H6
N-butane C4H10
Isobutane C4H10
1-butene C4H8
Isobutene C4H8
Dichlorodifluoromethane (R12) CCl2F2
Acetic acid CH3COOH
N-heptane C7H16
N-hexane C6H14
Cyclo-hexane C6H12
Methane CH4
Methanol CH3OH
N-octane C8H18
N-pentane C5H12
Isopentane C5H12
Propane C3H8
Propylene C3H6
Trichlorofluoromethane (R11) CCl3F
Vinyl chloride C2H3Cl
Vinyl fluoride C2H3F
1,1 vinylidene chloride C2H2Cl2
Inert gases
Helium He
Neon Ne
Argon Ar
Krypton Kr
Xenon Xe
Inorganic gases
Ammonia NH3
Hydrogen bromide HBr
Chlorine Cl2
Hydrogen chloride HCl
Dinitrogen monoxide N2O
Hydrogen fluoride HF
Hydrogen iodide HI
Carbon dioxide CO2
Carbon monoxide CO
Nitrogen oxide NO
Nitrogen N2
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Sulfur dioxide SO2
Sulfur hexafluoride SF6
Hydrogen sulfide H2S
Water H2O
Hydrogen H2
Zero point error due to diamagnetism or paramagnetism of some accompanying gases with reference to nitrogen at 60 °C und 1 000 hPa absolute (according to IEC 1207/3)
Conversion to other temperatures:
The zero point deviations listed in Table 1 must be multiplied by an adjustment factor (k):
- with diamagnetic gases: k = 333 K / (ϑ [°C] + 273 K)
- with paramagnetic gases: k = [333 K / (ϑ [°C] + 273 K)]2
All diamagnetic gases have a negative zero point deviation.