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All CPUs can be expanded by an additional signal board and up to 3 communications modules. The number of integrated IOs and the maximum number of signal modules that can be connected differs depending on the type of CPU.
CPU 1211C
CPU 1212C
CPU 1214C
CPU 1215C
CPU 1217C
DC/DC/DC, AC/DC/relay, DC/DC/relay
Work memory, integrated
50 KB
75 KB
100 KB
125 KB
150 KB
Load memory, integrated
1 MB
2 MB
4 MB
Memory card
SIMATIC Memory Card (optional)
Digital inputs/outputs, integrated
Analog inputs, integrated
Analog outputs, integrated
Process image
1024 bytes for inputs, 1024 bytes for outputs
Expansion by signal board
Max. 1
Expansion by signal modules
Max. 2
Max. 8
Expansion by communications modules
Max. 3