In the SIMATIC PCS neo process control system, various communication protocols that enable connection of external components or systems are available to the user on the server (M&C). The following protocols are supported.
- OPC UA server
- OPC UA client
- IEC 60870-5-104 client
Support of further protocols will be provided in future versions of SIMATIC PCS neo.
For connection to an S7-410 CPU and S7-4100, the following protocols are supported in the form of a block library:
- Modbus TCP client
- Modbus TCP server
- COM library
In SIMATIC PCS neo V5.0, the SIMATIC CN 4100 communications module is available to the user in addition. In an initial phase, this will be fully integrated in SIMATIC PCS neo as singular hardware.
The following protocols are supported:
- OPC UA client
- Modbus TCP client
- COM library
Support of additional protocols via the SIMATIC CN 4100 is planned for future SIMATIC PCS neo versions.
OPC UA will be available in SIMATIC PCS neo as both a client and a server version. In SIMATIC PCS neo, the application with and without SIMATIC CN 4100 also needs to be considered.
OPC UA server
As OPC UA server, the SIMATIC PCS neo process control system can be integrated directly into higher-level systems for production planning and process data evaluation and management. These higher-level systems (OPC UA clients) can access SIMATIC PCS neo process data or alarms and messages via the OPC UA server.
The connection is secured by means of authorization and encryption. Access of an OPC UA client to data in PCS neo is subject to the same user roles and rights verifications as an operator of the M&C.
The OPC UA server configured on an M&C server can access data of all M&C servers in a PCS neo system. Multiple OPC UA servers are also possible.
OPC UA client
With OPC UA, lower-level systems can be integrated directly into the SIMATIC PCS neo process control system as an OPC UA server. These lower-level systems can write to the data management via the OPC UA client in the M&C server and/or receive data from the M&C server via the OPC UA client.
It is therefore possible to integrate devices that support OPC UA into SIMATIC PCS neo with an "operator control & monitoring" functionality.
In SIMATIC PCS neo V4.0, the SIMATIC CN 4100 will be available as additional solution. The lower-level systems can exchange data via the OPC UA client in SIMATIC CN 4100 directly with the M&C server and/or with the S7-410 controller.
IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 60870-5-104 client
With IEC 60870-5-104, lower-level systems can be integrated directly into the SIMATIC PCS neo process control system as IEC 60870-5-104 server. These lower-level systems can write to the data management via the IEC 60870-5-104 client in the M&C server and/or receive data from the M&C server via the IEC 60870-5-104 client.
It is therefore possible to integrate devices that support IEC 60870-5-104 into SIMATIC PCS neo with an "operator control & monitoring" functionality.
Modbus TCP
SIMATIC PCS neo is supplied with a Modbus TCP block library for the SIMATIC S7-410 CPU as standard. This library offers the possibility with various CFC blocks to both receive data in the CPU and make data available from the CPU to a higher-level device or system.
To use the Modbus TCP library, a license is needed for every automation system in which the library is used. A block library is also available for the SIMATIC CN 4100.
Serial Modbus devices with Modbus RTU that are connected to the CPU via serial / TCP converters can also be connected using Modbus TCP blocks. Configuration of the serial/TCP converter takes place outside of SIMATIC PCS neo.
Conversion of the Modbus RTU frame into a Modbus TCP frame is supported by the block library.
Modbus TCP client
The Modbus TCP master functionality in the SIMATIC S7-410 CPU provides the possibility to integrate lower-level devices or systems into the SIMATIC PCS neo process control system via the Modbus protocol.
The Modbus signals from the lower-level devices or systems can be used for further processing in the CPU or displayed in SIMATIC PCS neo M&C. In SIMATIC PCS neo V4.0, the SIMATIC CN 4100 will also be available for Modbus TCP as additional solution. The lower-level systems can exchange data via the Modbus TCP client in SIMATIC CN 4100 directly with the M&C server and/or with the S7-410 controller.
Modbus TCP server
The Modbus TCP slave functionality in the SIMATIC S7-410 CPU offers the possibility to make values available to higher-level devices or systems. Note that the process values are forwarded directly from the CPU in this case.
COM library
The COM library in PCS neo consists of a TCP communication library and an S7 Put/Get library. Both libraries are CFC-based block libraries for the SIMATIC S7-410 CPU that allow for the exchange of values between various SIMATIC CPUs.
OPC UA server (SIMATIC PCS neo M&C server)
The OPC UA interface is based on various OPC UA specifications; see the relevant standard for details. In addition to the DA (Data Access) information model, the SIMATIC PCS neo OPC UA server also supports AC (Alarms & Conditions) and thus makes current data from the SIMATIC PCS neo M&C data management available to other applications. Other information models and functions will be considered in future SIMATIC PCS neo versions.
The OPC UA client can log itself on to ongoing value changes or also write values. Access takes place via a flat list. Access via additional information models will be considered in future SIMATIC PCS neo versions.
The connection to the OPC UA client is secured by means of authorization and encryption. Access of an OPC UA client to data in PCS neo is subject to the same user roles and rights verifications as an operator of the M&C.
The OPC UA server configured on an M&C server can access data of all M&C servers in a PCS neo system. Multiple OPC UA servers are also possible.
OPC UA client (SIMATIC PCS neo M&C server)
The OPC UA interface is based on various OPC UA specifications; see the relevant standard for details. The SIMATIC PCS neo OPC UA client supports the DA (data access) information model and can thus write current data to the SIMATIC PCS neo M&C data management and receive commands from the data management. Other information models and functions will be considered in future SIMATIC PCS neo versions.
Access takes place via a flat list. Access via a data model will be considered in future SIMATIC PCS neo versions.
IEC 60870-5-104 client (SIMATIC PCS neo M&C server)
The IEC 60870-5-104 interface is based on various IEC specifications; see also the respective standard for details. The PCS neo IEC 60870-5-104 client offers the possibility to communicate via the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol with an S7-1500 controller that was configured with the SIMATIC Process Function Library (PFL). In the TIA Portal, you can use the "TC Creator" add-in to export the configuration of the S7-1500 controller. You can import the configuration of the S7-1500 controller into PCS neo using the MTP import function. The MTP library contains the relevant blocks.
A general connection of other devices with IEC 60870-5-104 will be considered in future SIMATIC PCS neo versions.
OPC UA client (SIMATIC CN 4100)
The OPC UA interface is based on various OPC UA specifications; see the relevant standard for details. The SIMATIC CN 4100 OPC UA client supports the DA (data access) information model and can thus either write current data to the SIMATIC PCS neo M&C data management and receive commands from the data management or write data to one or more PCS neo controllers and receive commands from them. It should be mentioned that communication between SIMATIC CN 4100 and SIMATIC PCS neo M&C server is a proprietary solution within the PCS neo system. The coupling between the SIMATIC CN 4100 and a PCS neo controller is realized via the COM block library.
Other information models and functions will be considered in future SIMATIC CN 4100 versions.
Access takes place via CFC engineering in the connectivity layer. Access via a data model will be considered in future SIMATIC PCS neo versions.
The OPC UA client library for the SIMATIC CN 4100 contains the following blocks:
- OPCUAC4CNY_AI (management of an input analog value)
- OPCUAC4CNY_AO (management of an output analog value)
- OPCUAC4CNY_DI (management of a digital input)
- OPCUAC4CNY_DO (management of a digital output)
- OPCUAC4CNY_II (management of an integer input)
- OPCUAC4CNY_IO (management of an integer output)
- OPCUAC4CNY_SI (management of a string input value)
- OPCUAC4CNY_SO (management of a string output value)
Modbus TCP client
The Modbus TCP master library contains the following blocks:
- MODBUS_TCP_CLIENT (configuration block)
- MODBUS_DI16 (management of up to 16 digital inputs)
- MODBUS_DO16 (management of up to 16 digital outputs)
- MODBUS_AI1 (management of an input analog value)
- MODBUS_AO1 (management of an output analog value)
- MODBUS_INT_AI16 (management of up to 16 integer inputs)
- MODBUS_INT_AO16 (management of up to 16 integer outputs)
- MODBUS_AI_EXT (extension of the input analog value to reduce the number of requests with the same volume of data)
- MODBUS_AI16_EXT (extension of the input analog value by up to 16 analog inputs to reduce the number of requests with the same volume of data)
- MODBUS_AO16_EXT (extension of the output analog value by up to 16 analog outputs to reduce the number of requests with the same volume of data)
- MODBUS_AO_EXT (extension of the output analog value to reduce the number of requests with the same volume of data)
- MODBUS_DO32_EXT (extension of the output analog value to reduce the number of requests with the same volume of data)
- MODBUS_DI32_EXT (extension of the output analog value to reduce the number of requests with the same volume of data)
- MODBUS_Gen_I (reading multiple values from a Modbus device)
- MODBUS_Gen_O (writing multiple values to a Modbus device)
Modbus TCP client (SIMATIC CN 4100)
The Modbus TCP client library for the SIMATIC CN 4100 contains the following blocks:
- MODBUS4CNY_AI01 (management of an input analog value)
- MODBUS4CNY_AI16 (management of up to 16 input analog values)
- MODBUS4CNY_AI08 (management of up to 16 output analog values)
- MODBUS4CNY_DI01 (management of up to 1 digital input)
- MODBUS4CNY_DI16 (management of up to 16 digital inputs)
- MODBUS4CNY_DO8 (management of up to 8 digital outputs)
Modbus TCP server
The Modbus TCP slave library contains the following blocks:
- MODBUS_TCP_SERVER (configuration block)
- MODBUS_DI16 (management of up to 16 digital inputs)
- MODBUS_DO16 (management of up to 16 digital outputs)
- MODBUS_AI1 (management of an input analog value)
- MODBUS_AO1 (management of an output analog value)
COM library
The COM library contains the following blocks:
- TCPConR (configuration block for single connections)
Note: As of PCS neo V3.1, this block will be replaced with the block TCPConR.
- TCPConR (configuration block for single and redundant connections)
- TCPConRL: (configuration block for single and redundant connections for large volumes of data)
- S7Con (configuration block of a configured S7 Put/Get connection)
- Rcv_AnaVal (management of up to 8 analog inputs)
- Rcv_DigVal (management of up to 8 digital inputs)
- Rcv_StrVal: (Management of input s string values)
- Snd_AnaVal (management of up to 8 analog outputs)
- Snd_DigVal (management of up to 8 digital outputs)
- Snd_StrVal: (Management of output string values)
- S7Get (configuration block to receive data from an external device)
- S7Put (configuration block to send data to an external device)