- Drive technology
- Automation technology
- Energy
- Building Technologies
- Building automation systems
- HVAC products
- Fire Safety
- KNX Building Control
- Cloud solutions
- Security
- Fire safety (UL)
- Addressable & emergency voice communication systems
- Cerberus PRO UL
- FC901 - Standalone 50 point fire alarm panel
- FC922/924 & FV922/924 - Networkable 250/500 point fire alarm & voice panels
- Addressable detection and initiating devices
- Cerberus PRO UL modular
- Addressable detection and initiating devices
- Detectors
- Manual Stations
- I/O Devices
- Accessories
- RL-HC - Remote Lamp Ceiling Mount
- RL-HW - Remote Lamp Wall Mount
- LK-11 - Locking Kit for Series 11 Detectors (50 pcs)
- ADB-BOX - Surface Box for Audible Base
- RA-ADB - Optional Finish Ring for Bases
- DB-11-DP - Base Plug (50 PCS)
- DGH-11 - Detector Guard Housing for HFP-11
- DB2-HR - Relay Base
- ABHW-4B - ABHW-4B Audible Base
- ABHW-4S - Audible base, 520 Hz Speaker version & Temp 4/CO
- ABHW-Insert - Spare Base Mtg Screw Cover
- Duct Detector Housings
- Desigo Fire Safety UL
- FireFinder XLS/XLSV
- Legacy systems
- Conventional systems
- Management stations
- Notification (Incl ACEND)
- Notification appliances legacy
- Power supplies/NAC extenders (PADs)
- Detection and peripherals
- Special application equipment
- Test equipment & accessories
- Suppression UL/FM
- Building X Fire Apps
- In building emergency communication systems
- Low-Voltage controls and distribution
- Market-specific solutions
- Services
- Software
- ... and everything else you need
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RL-HC - Remote Lamp Ceiling Mount
Artikelnummer / Artikelbeschreibung
Einzelpreis / Ihr Preis
QBE2004-P10U - Druckfühler für Kältemittel (0...10 V) -1...9 bar
QBE2004-P25U - Druckfühler für Kältemittel (0...10 V) -1...24 bar
QBE2004-P30U - Druckfühler für Kältemittel (0...10 V) -1...29 bar
QBE2004-P60U - Druckfühler für Kältemittel (0...10 V) -1...59 bar