Digital monitoring relay Speed monitoring from 0.1 to 2200 rpm 0vershoot and undershoot Supply voltage: 24 V AC/DC 50 to 60 Hz DC and AC without galvanic isolation to measuring circuit ON delay 1 to 900 s Tripping delay 0.1 to 99.9 s Hysteresis 0.1 to 99 rpm 1 change-over contact with or without fault buffer screw terminal Successor product for 3UG3051
Digital monitoring relay Speed monitoring from 0.1 to 2200 rpm Overshoot and undershoot 24 to 240 V AC/DC 50 to 60 Hz DC and AC ON delay 1 to 900 s Tripping delay 0.1 to 99.9 s Hysteresis 0.1 to 99 rpm 1 change-over contact with or without fault buffer screw terminal Successor product for 3UG3051
Digital monitoring relay Speed monitoring from 0.1 to 2200 rpm 0vershoot and undershoot Supply voltage: 24 V AC/DC 50 to 60 Hz DC and AC without galvanic isolation to measuring circuit ON delay 1 to 900 s Tripping delay 0.1 to 99.9 s Hysteresis 0.1 to 99 rpm 1 change-over contact with or without fault buffer spring-type connection system
Digital monitoring relay Speed monitoring from 0.1 to 2200 rpm Overshoot and undershoot 24 to 240 V AC/DC 50 to 60 Hz DC and AC ON delay 1 to 900 s Tripping delay 0.1 to 99.9 s Hysteresis 0.1 to 99 rpm 1 change-over contact with or without fault buffer spring-type connection system