- Building automation systems
- HVAC products
- Security
- Fire safety (UL)
- Addressable & emergency voice communication systems
- Conventional systems
- Management stations
- Notification (Incl ACEND)
- Notification appliances legacy
- Indoor fire
- Bells
- Electronic horns and horn strobes
- XMS-51 - Conventional single Aux Rly & Key switch
- XMS-501 - Conventional Double Action
- XMH-501 - Conventional Double Action Agent Release
- MH-R - Mini Horn, Red
- MH-W - Mini Horn, White
- MTH-15-115-R-WP - Multi Tone Horn 5CD 115V Red
- MTH-15-115-W-WP - Multi Tone Horn 15CD 115V White
- MTH-75-R-WP - Multi Tone Horn 180CD White
- AH-R - Audible Horn Red
- AH-W - Audible Horn White
- AS-MC-CR - Audible Strobe Multi-candela Ceiling Red
- AS-HMC-R - Audible Strobe Hi Multi-candela Red
- NH-CW - Horn Ceiling White
- NS-MC-CR - Horn Multi Candela Red Ceiling
- NS-HMC-CW - Horn Hi Multi-candela Ceiling White
- ZH-MC-W - Horn Multi-candela Wall White
- HS-R - Horn Red
- HS-W - Horn White
- HS-MC-W - Horn Multi-candela White
- SLHCR-N - Ceiling Horn, Red
- SLHCW-N - Ceiling Horn, White
- SLHSWW-F - Horn Strobe, Wall, White, Fire
- SLHWR - Horn, Wall, Red, No Text
- SLHSWR-FB - Horn Strobe, Wall, Red Clear, Pictogram
- SLHSWW-FB - Horn Strobe, Wall, White Clear, Pictogram
- SLHSCR-A - Horn Strobe, Ceiling, Agent
- SLHSWW-A - Horn Strobe, Wall, White, Agent
- SLHSCW-A - Horn Strobe, Ceiling, White, Agent
- SL2HSCR-A - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HCR-N - Horn Ceiling
- SL2HCW-N - Horn Ceiling
- SL2HWR-N - Horn Wall
- SL2HWW-N - Horn Wall
- SL2HSCR-AL - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HSCR-F - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HSCR-N - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HSCR-FB - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HSCW-A - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HSCW-AL - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HSCW-F - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HSCW-N - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HSCW-FB - Horn Strobe Ceiling
- SL2HSWR-A - Horn Strobe Wall
- SL2HSWR-AL - Horn Strobe Wall
- SL2HSWR-F - Horn Strobe Wall
- SL2HSWR-N - Horn Strobe Wall
- SL2HSWR-FB - Horn Strobe
- SL2HSWW-A - Horn Strobe
- SL2HSWW-AL - Horn Strobe
- SL2HSWW-EV - Horn Strobe
- SL2HSWW-F - Horn Strobe
- SL2HSWW-N - Horn Strobe
- SL2HSWW-FB - Horn Strobe
- SL2MTWW-F - Multitone Wall
- SL2MTWR-F - Multitone Wall
- SL2MTSWW-F - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWW-FB - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWR-F - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWR-FB - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWR-A - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSCR-F - Multitone Strobe Ceiling
- SL2MTSCR-FB - Multitone Strobe Ceiling
- SL2MTSCW-F - Multitone Strobe Ceiling
- SL2MTSWR-N - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWW-N - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWR-NR - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWW-NR - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWW-NA - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWW-NB - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSWW-NG - Multitone Strobe Wall
- SL2MTSCW-NA - Multitone Strobe Ceiling
- SL2MTSCW-NB - Multitone Strobe Ceiling
- SL2MTSCW-NG - Multitone Strobe Ceiling
- SL2MTSCW-NR - Multitone Strobe Ceiling
- HS-MC-R - Horn Multi-candela Red
- Electro-Mechanical horns and horn strobes
- Low frequency horns and horn strobes
- Chime and chime strobes
- Low output speakers and speaker strobes
- High output speakers and speaker strobes
- Stand alone strobes
- Back boxes and plates
- Accessories
- Outdoor and special application fire
- Indoor MNS
- Backboxes and mounting plates
- Power supplies/NAC extenders (PADs)
- Detection and peripherals
- Special application equipment
- Test equipment & accessories
- Suppression UL/FM
- Building X Fire Apps
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SL2HSCR-AL - Horn Strobe Ceiling
Product No. / Product Description
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SL2HSCR-AL - Horn Strobe Ceiling