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Precise angular synchronization between one leading and one or more following spindles enables on-the-fly workpiece transfer, particularly for turning machines, from spindle 1 to spindle 2, for example for the purpose of finishing.
In addition to the speed synchronism, the relative angular position of the spindles to one another, e.g., on-the-fly, position-oriented transfer of edged workpieces, is also specifiable.
On-the-fly transfer:
1 = n2
- Angle 1 = angle 2 or
- Angle 2 = angle 1 + angle D
Finally, specification of an integer speed ratio between the main spindle and a tool spindle provides the prerequisites for multi-edge machining (polygon turning).
Multi-edge turning:
2 = T × n1
Configuring and selection take place either via the part program or the operator panel. Several pairs of synchronous spindles can be implemented.