All shut-off fittings can be secured onto walls, racks (72 mm grid size) and vertical and horizontal pipes.
This offers the advantage when assembling a plant that the shut-off fittings can be secured first and the lines for the medium and differential pressure lines connected to them. It is then possible to check all connections for leaks and to blow out or flush the pipes in order to remove dirt (welding residues, shavings etc.).
Finally, when all piping is completed, the measuring instruments are screwed onto the shut-off fittings.
If a measuring instrument has to be removed for maintenance, the fittings and pipes remain intact. Only the valves have to be closed. The measuring instrument can then be detached and re-installed after maintenance.
Classification according to pressure equipment directive (PED 2014/68/EU):
The valves meet the requirements of article 4.3 (good engineering practice) for gases of fluid group 1 and for liquids of fluid group 1.
IEC 61518/EN 61518 standard
The flange connection between pressure transmitter and valve manifold was modified in the standard IEC 61518/EN 61518. The only connection thread approved for use in the process flanges of the pressure transmitter is 7/16‑20 UNF.
The valve manifolds for M12 screws, including the accessory sets, have therefore been deleted. The connection threads in the M10 process flanges are still available as replacements.
Material inspection certificate to EN 10204-3.1
If a material inspection certificate according to EN 10204-3.1 is required for ordering valve manifolds or shut-off fittings, be aware that one certificate is sufficient for each valve type ordered. This means that you will only be charged for one certificate in the cost calculations.
Minimum/maximum operating temperatures
The maximum operating temperatures are given for each valve or valve manifold.
The minimum operating temperatures depend on the material used for the valves or valve manifold. They are:
Minimum operating temperature
-10 °C (+14 °F) according to EN 12516-4
-10 °C (+14 °F) according to AD200-W10
Stainless steel
-40 °C (-40 °F)
Pressure transmitters with shut-off fittings – mounting examples
SITRANS P transmitter for gauge pressure with double shut-off valve, DIN version
SITRANS P transmitter for gauge pressure with double shut-off valve, version for general applications
SITRANS P transmitter for differential pressure; mounting example for 3-spindle valve manifold
SITRANS P transmitter for differential pressure; mounting example for 5-spindle valve manifold
SITRANS P pressure transmitter, mounting example for installation in protective boxes, differential pressure (left), gauge pressure (right) (available on request)
SITRANS P pressure transmitter, mounting example for installation in protective boxes, Rosemount transmitter
SITRANS P pressure transmitter mounted on "Monoflange" valve combination for direct connection to flange connections (available on request)