Operators must have a very clear overview of the plant and be able to navigate quickly between different views of the plant. The system supports them in this process with hierarchical process display structures. These allow the direct selection of lower-level areas in process control. The current position can be identified at all times in the process-display hierarchy.
The process display-hierarchy is configured during the engineering phase and is thus optimally adapted to operator requirements.
Group displays in the process display hierarchy visually signal the pending alarms. They have a loop-in-alarm function. Using this function, the operator navigates directly to the relevant process display with the process object that has triggered the alarm.
In addition to the process-display hierarchy, a standard view (equipment hierarchy) and a device hierarchy are available to the operator for the technological representation of the plant.
Via the equipment hierarchy, the operator can see the entire plant structure in Monitoring & Control mode. Components of this plant structure include, for example, the required structure folder, the process displays and the process objects.
The device hierarchy offers the possibility to perform tasks, such as device diagnostics and maintenance tasks, in M&C mode.
Device hierarchy