SiePortal is not yet available in the selected region
Please mind, SiePortal is not yet available in the region you selected. If you continue, you will be taken to the platform Industry Mall, which will successively be replaced by SiePortal also in that region.
In the selected region, SiePortal is available
Please mind, in the region you selected, our Industry Mall is already replaced by its successor, SiePortal. If you continue, you will be taken to SiePortal, which will successively replace Industry Mall also in other regions.
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WSM506-FE - Ultrasonic heat meter 0.6 m³/h, mounting length 110 mm, connecting thread G 3/4",sensor ø5.2x45 mm, M-bus radio communication, battery life 11 years
Minden infó WSM506-FE - Ultrasonic heat meter 0.6 m³/h, mounting length 110 mm, connecting thread G 3/4",sensor ø5.2x45 mm, M-bus radio communication, battery life 11 years