This option is required to allow the execution of part programs which have been generated with the CCG compiler library. The OEM can integrate the corresponding library into the user interface on the SINUMERIK PCU/SIMATIC IPC or use it on an external PC.
The CCG compiler generates part programs in the polynomial format to allow the machining of non-circular contours. The lift curves commonly used today, which describe the desired final contour in polar coordinates, are used as the input data for programming and generating a complete part program.
The technology data, i.e. the number of infeed revolutions, allowance, sparking-out revolutions, angle of infeed and velocities, are parameterized and taken into account when the part program is generated. The generated contour is not dependent on the tool (or grinding wheel) radius, because radius compensation (G41/G42) is active in the CNC.
A PC tool is included in delivery for test purposes, allowing the user to generate programs easily for test machining. This PC tool is not an integral part of the CCG compiler product.