Connector set (2 units) for mechanical connection of two contactors 3RT105, 3RT145
Wiring module top for contactor assemblies S2...S2 with 10 mm distance between the contactors Suitable for 3RT1 and 3RT2
Wiring module bottom for contactor assemblies S2 with 10 mm distance between the contactors
Wiring module top for contactor assembly with 10 mm distance between the contactors
Wiring module bottom for contactor assembly with 10 mm distance between the contactors
Base plate for mounting of combination of two contactors (2x 3RT1.5) for reversing
Base plate for mounting of combination of three contactors (2x 3RT1.5, 1x 3RT2.4) for star-delta (wye-delta) start up
Base plate for mounting of combination of three contactors (3x 3RT1.5) for star-delta (wye-delta) start up
Set of link rails for reversing contactor assemblies 3RT1.5 Infeed and output side, phase swapping output side
Set of link rails between delta contactor 3RT1.5 and star (wye) contactor 3RT1.5 phase swapping output side , including neutral bridge