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536-777-RK - Immersion Well Repair Kit, 100K Ohm NTC
Objednací číslo / Popis výrobku
Katalogová cena / Vaše cena
Information Server 2014 SP3 Upgrade from BSC PCK 2013 to 2014 SP3 runtime software, single license, incl. 3 licenses for client access, incl. 1 license f. data source acc., SW and documentation on DVD, license key on USB flash drive, Class A, 7 languages (de,en,fr,es,it,zh,ja), executable in Windows 7 Prof/Ent/Ult +SP1 (32 bit)/ 7 Prof/Ent/Ult +SP1 (64 bit)/ 8.1 Std/Prof/Ent/Ult (64 bit)/ Server 2008 R2+SP1 (64 bit)/ Server 2012 (64 bit)
Information Server 2014 SP3 upgrade from BSC PCK 2013 to 2014 SP3, runtime software, single license, including 3 licenses for Client Access, including 1 license for DataSource Access, software and license key download class A, 7 languages (de,en,fr,es,it,zh,ja), executable under Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise/Ultimat e +SP1 (32-bit)/ 7 Professional/Enterprise/Ultimat e +SP1 (64-bit)/ 8.1 Standard/Professional/Enterpris e/Ultimate (64-bit)/ Server 2008 R2+SP1 (64-bit)/ Server 2012 (64-bit) - - consignee email address required for(*)

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