Vulnerability Services: Mgmt. Portal Extended - New component request (Industrial Vulnerability Manager). The service includes: The creation of a new, unique component in the central database for all Portal Extended products. Delivery and service period: 12 months from date of invoice.
Vulnerability Services: Management Portal Extended – Cloud (Industrial Vulnerability Manager). The service includes: 12 months access to the application. With up-to-date security information and the features provided, this enables proactive management of the vulnerabilities for existing hardware and software components. Price applies per component. Minimum order quantity 100. Period of delivery and service: 12 months from date of invoice. To extend after one year of use, the MLFB must be ordered again.
VS: Management Portal Extended – Edge (IVM). The service includes: 12 months access to vulnerability information for a local Edge Device. This enables proactive vulnerability management of own hardware and software components. Price applies per component. Minimum order quantity 100. Period of delivery and service: 12 months from date of invoice. To extend after one year of use, the MLFB must be ordered again. Only the Industrial Edge terms under https://www.siemens.com/iest apply
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Vulnerability Services: Management Portal Extended – OEM. The service includes: 12 months access to the application. With up-to-date security information and the features provided, this enables proactive management of the vulnerabilities of hardware and software components for OEM customers. Price applies per component. Minimum order quantity 500. Period of delivery and service: 12 months from date of invoice. To extend after one year of use, the MLFB must be ordered again.
Vulnerability Services: Mgmt. Portal Extended – Setup (Industrial Vulnerability Manager). This service contains the central setup for first-time setup of a Vulnerability Service: Management Portal Extended end user product. This service must be ordered additionally to the first order of Management Portal Extended end user products.
Vulnerability Services: Mgmt. Portal Extended – Setup OEM (Industrial Vulnerability Manager). This service contains the central setup for first-time setup of the Vulnerability Service: Management Portal Extended OEM product. This service must be ordered additionally to the first order of Management Portal Extended OEM (9AS1433-1AA13-1BA1).
Vulnerability Services: Management Portal Basic. The service includes: 12 months provision of a web portal for searching for and filtering vulnerability information from the database and adding one(1) component to monitoring lists. Delivery and service period: 12 months from invoice data! The additional delivery and service conditions apply: (i) Vilocify service description (ii) Universal customer agreement. See SIOS ID 109815436!

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Vulnerability Services: API - Flex. The service includes: 12 -month provision of an interface (API) for calling vulnerability information from the database for one(1) specific software or hardware component. Delivery and service period: 12 months from date of invoice! Some additional terms of delivery and service conditions apply: (i) Vilocify service description (ii) Universal customer agreement. See SIOS ID 109815436!

This product is downloadable only.
Vulnerability Services: API - Unlimited. The service includes: 12 -month provision of an interface (API) for calling vulnerability information from the database for any number of software or hardware components. Delivery and service period: 12 months from date of invoice! Some additional terms of delivery and service conditions apply: (i) Vilocify service description (ii) Universal customer agreement. See SIOS ID 109815436!

This product is downloadable only.
Vulnerability Services: API - Flex + Mgmt. Portal Basic. The service offer includes: 12 months retrieval and use of one(1) specific software or hardware component from the database via the VVS API and the Mgmt. Portal Basic. In the combination, the VVS API integration can be facilitated. Delivery and service period: 12 months from date of invoice! Some additional terms of delivery and service conditions apply: (i) Vilocify service description (ii) Universal customer Agreement. See SIOS ID 109815436!

This product is downloadable only.