Your MICROMASTER converter has reached the end of its product lifecycle. Product discontinuation has been announced
Spare parts for the MICROMASTER family will be available only for a limited time
Limited MICROMASTER expert engineers available for support
This MICROMASTER product line has been replaced by the new SINAMICS series.
To keep your application running, Siemens advises a retrofit and a transition to SINAMICS.
Our service offer:
Retrofit for MICROMASTER, replacing older equipment with latest SINAMICS technology
The retrofit project starts with an assessment and analysis of the equipment currently installed.
Siemens experts give recommendations and suggestions on how to plan the retrofit e.g. partial replacement or sequential retrofit. Our Customer Service team supports and manages the retrofit project including planning, installation, configuration, commissioning and customer training.
For best results in energy efficiency improvements, Siemens engineers can provide expert advice on replacing and upgrading motors as well as PLC as part of the retrofit project.