Short-term and long-term archiving
The Operator System already includes a high-performance archiving system based on Microsoft SQL Server with cyclic logs for short-term archiving of process values (typically 1 to 4 weeks) and messages (typically 2 months). Data from the cyclic logs and batch data from SIMATIC BATCH can be exported time-controlled or event-controlled to the Process Historian for permanent archiving.
The Process Historian can be expanded by an Information Server to work as a reporting system. The Information Server can optionally access the archived data in the Process Historian and in the operator stations in parallel.
Data managed in the Process Historian can be backed up on external storage media such as an NAS or an SAN. This requires additional hardware and software that the utilized operating system supports.
In addition, process values and messages from third-party sources can be read and archived if they have an OPC UA server. This data is read by the Process Historian OPC UA Data Collector during runtime and archived in the Process Historian database. They are subject to the same backup and recovery mechanisms as PCS 7 data. Here, too, the Information Server is used as a reporting system
Process operating actions as well as messages that are marked as relevant for Audit Trail are also archived separately as audit data.