We offer a select range of modern and powerful SIMATIC Process Control System IPCs for the system architecture located above the controller level in the SIMATIC PCS 7 system architecture, e.g. for:
- Engineering
- Operator control and monitoring (also via Internet/intranet)
- Asset management
- Batch automation
- Route control
- Remote control
- IT applications
SIMATIC Process Control System IPCs based on a SIMATIC Rack PC of the type IPC 647E or IPC 847E are optimized for use as single station, server or client, and can be expanded in line with the system.
As a supplement, the SIMATIC Microbox PC in the SIMATIC Process Control System Client IPC427E / IPC477E version provides low-cost client alternatives for operator control and monitoring and for batch automation.
Basic hardware for single station/server
SIMATIC Process Control System IPCs of type IPC 647E or IPC 847E, which are available for use as single stations or servers, vary in their power, features, expansion spares, and length of product lifecycle. A table compares the essential features of these types in the catalog section "SIMATIC Rack PC, introduction", allowing you to quickly narrow down the search for your specific application. You can then use the detailed technical data in the same catalog section to define this preselection in detail.
Basic hardware for clients
Compared to the more compact SIMATIC Process Control System Client IPC427E / IPC477E client versions, clients based on a SIMATIC Rack PC have a larger number and greater variety of interfaces. They therefore offer more expansion options and can be used more universally. In multi-monitor mode, you can control up to four process monitors with equivalent quality.
The main advantage of the SIMATIC Process Control System Clients IPC427E / IPC477E is their highly compact and rugged design which allows continuous 24/7 maintenance-free operation without fans. These clients are particularly resistant to vibration and shock in the version with solid-state drive (SSD) because there are no rotating storage media. The Process Control System Client IPC427E is a computing unit without monitor in a compact metal enclosure. The SIMATIC Process Control System Client IPC477E was designed as built-in unit with a 22" TFT Touch Panel and integrated computing unit. The expansion options for both devices are limited due to their design.
Notes on the use of other basic hardware and non-SIMATIC software
Siemens guarantees the compatibility of hardware and software for system configurations based on components in this catalog.
The system test confirms that the system software of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system can be run on the basic hardware offered in this catalog. Despite comprehensive tests, it cannot be excluded that the function of a SIMATIC PCS 7 system could be disturbed or interfered with as a result of additional non-SIMATIC software, i.e. software which has not been explicitly approved for SIMATIC PCS 7.
If you use hardware other than the basic hardware offered in this catalog, or additional non-SIMATIC software, this is at your own risk. If compatibility problems arise as a result of these hardware/software components, the support provided for their elimination is not free of charge.
The licenses for plant bus communication via Industrial Ethernet, i.e. for Basic Communication Ethernet (BCE) and CP 1623/1628 communication (IE), are bound to the SIMATIC Process Control System IPCs. Depending on the selected type of communication, the SIMATIC Process Control System IPCs for Single Stations and Servers are delivered as standard with a network adapter plus BCE license or a CP 1623 plus SIMATIC NET HARDNET IE S7 communication software.
SIMATIC PCS 7 BCE V9.1 license
If you are using SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.1 on other computers (not SIMATIC Process Control System IPC), you also require a SIMATIC PCS 7 BCE V9.1 license (Article No. 6ES7650-1CD68-2YB5 for goods delivery; Article No. 6ES7650-1CD68-2YH5 for online delivery) for all Single Stations or Servers that are connected to the plant bus via a standard network adapter and not via a CP 1623/CP 1628.