Frame is the common term for a geometric expression describing an arithmetic operation, for example, translation or rotation.
For SINUMERIK CNCs, the frame in the CNC program transfers from one Cartesian coordinate system to another, and represents the spatial description of the workpiece coordinate system.
The following are possible:
- Basic frames
Coordinate transformation from basic coordinate system BCS into basic zero system BZS
- Adjustable frames
Work offsets using G54 to G57/G505 to G599
- Programmable frames
Definition of workpiece coordinate system WCS
The following instructions are used to program these options:
- TRANS programmable work offset
- ROT rotation in space or in a plane
- ROTS rotation referred to the solid angle projected into the planes
- SCALE scaling (scale factor)
- MIRROR mirroring
- TOFRAME frame according to tool orientation
- TOROT rotary component of programmed frame
- PAROT frame for workpiece rotation (table rotation)
- MEAFRAME frame calculation from 3 measuring points in space for measuring cycles
The instructions can also be used several times within one program. Existing offsets can either be overwritten or new ones can be added.
Additive frame instructions:
- ATRANS additive programmable work offset
- AROT additive rotation in space or in a plane
- ASCALE scale factor (multiplication)
- AMIRROR repeated mirroring
- AROTS additive rotation referred to the solid angles projected into the planes