Energy is one of the most important cost factors in industry. Operators can, of course, always make savings here and there, but the full potential for saving energy can only be exploited by taking a holistic view of the entire value chain of a system. As an innovative partner, we offer industry energy-efficient solutions with products and services for all phases in the product development and production process.
5 steps toward higher energy efficiency
Exploit the full potential of energy efficiency in your production with our comprehensive range of products, systems and solutions, that cover all phases of the product development and production process. Our energy efficiency concept aims to continuously and comprehensively reduce the energy usage of machines and plants and so increase the competitiveness of our customers.
To achieve this, as a leading technology partner, we accompany all phases of the product development and production process – from product design through production planning and engineering – up to the production itself, and all the associated services.
Only the perfect interaction of all components can achieve maximum energy efficiency in production. Our continual innovations ensure that your investments in energy efficiency pay off more quickly.
Energy efficiency with SINUMERIK Ctrl-Energy
Siemens machine tool systems set the standard for energy efficiency in the machine tool: SINUMERIK Ctrl-Energy covers a wide range of highly efficient drive/motor components, CNC/drive functions, software solutions and services.
SINUMERIK Ctrl-Energy thus offers energy-efficient solutions for the complete machine lifecycle – from the design phase to full operation. Intelligent functions, such as the analysis of the energy costs of the workpiece, are available to the user: Pressing the shortcut Ctrl + E helps the SINUMERIK save energy.
Representation for a quick overview of the current power and energy consumption
Graphical comparison of two measurements for qualitative evaluation of the energy consumed by a machine tool.
Overview of defined energy saving profiles for a machine tool – pre-warning window in the foreground
Energy monitoring with SENTRON PAC
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Devices ensure precise, reproducible and reliable measurement of energy values for infeed, outgoing feeders or individual loads.