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The SINAMICS S110 positioning drive with its built-in basic positioning system is ideal when you need to position machines axes simply, quickly and accurately. While the positioning drive relieves the higher-level machine control system of this task, this flexible converter actually offers much more.
As an alternative to a basic positioning system, the positioning drive can be assigned set values as a speed axis using analog input or a field bus interface, such as PROFIBUS, CAN, PROFINET (in combination). Additionally, the positioning drive can control a wide range of built-in safety functions with on-board safety terminals without intricate additional circuits. As a modular single-axis drive with servo functionality, the positioning drive covers a power range from 120 W (1 AC 230 V) to 90 kW (3 AC 400 V). It can be used to position both synchronous servomotors and induction motors.
The SINAMICS S110 positioning drive is ideal for the following applications: handling devices, medical devices (such as laying patients prone), feeders and delivery devices, tracking systems, solar panels, tool changers, stacking units, assembly machines and laboratory automation.StartConversion