Observera att SiePortal kanske inte är tillgängligt från måndag 17 februari 23:00 till onsdag 19 februari 22:45 på grund av rutinunderhåll.
Tack för er förståelse.
SiePortal Service Team
SiePortal is not yet available in the selected region
Please mind, SiePortal is not yet available in the region you selected. If you continue, you will be taken to the platform Industry Mall, which will successively be replaced by SiePortal also in that region.
In the selected region, SiePortal is available
Please mind, in the region you selected, our Industry Mall is already replaced by its successor, SiePortal. If you continue, you will be taken to SiePortal, which will successively replace Industry Mall also in other regions.
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Status på din ticket
Status på din ticket
SIPLUS LOGO! TDE based on 6ED1055-4MH08-0BA1 with conformal coating, -25…+60 °C, start up -20 °C, 6-line, 3 background colors 2 Ethernet ports, installation accessories for LOGO! 8
SIPLUS LOGO! TDE based on 6ED1055-4MH08-0BA1 with conformal coating, -25…+60 °C, start up -20 °C, 6-line, 3 background colors 2 Ethernet ports, installation accessories for LOGO! 8
There is currently no information on SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern from the supply chain and our established procedures for screening our products for Substances of Very High Concern.
We compare our products regularly with the information of the upstream users with regard to the substances indicated in the candidate list in accordance with the requirements of the REACH regulation. As soon as we have new findings, our information will be updated accordingly.