- Drive technology
- Automation technology
- Energy
- Building Technologies
- Building automation systems
- HVAC products
- Fire Safety
- KNX Building Control
- Cloud solutions
- Security
- Fire safety (UL)
- Addressable & emergency voice communication systems
- Conventional systems
- Management stations
- Notification (Incl ACEND)
- Notification appliances legacy
- Power supplies/NAC extenders (PADs)
- Detection and peripherals
- Special application equipment
- Linear Beam Detection
- Flame Detection
- Air Sampling Detection
- VESDA LaserScanner Detectors
- VESDA LaserCompact Detectors
- VESDA LaserFocus Detectors
- VESDA Detector Power Supplies
- VESDA Accessories
- VESDA Remote Mount Configuration
- VRT-100 - Remote Programmer
- VRT-200 - Standard Display with Remote
- VRT-600 - Standard Display with Remote
- VRT-400 - Scanner Display with Remote
- VRT-800 - Scanner Display with Remote
- VRT-300 - VESDAnet Socket
- VRT-500 - Remote Termination for VLP and VLC
- VRT-900 - Remote Termination Card
- VSR-0000 - Rem 19-Inch Sub Rack with 4EM
- VRT-S07 - System Relay Module Universal Network Module
- VRT-A10 - VESDA Analog Output Module
- VRT-700
- VRT-Q00 - Remote Display, VLI, 7 Relays
- VRT-T00 - Remote Display, VLI, no Relays
- VSW-600 - Remote Notification - Email/SMS Support
- Lithium Ion Particle Detection
- Test equipment & accessories
- Suppression UL/FM
- Building X Fire Apps
- In building emergency communication systems
- Low-Voltage controls and distribution
- Market-specific solutions
- Services
- Software
- ... and everything else you need
| |
VRT-A10 - VESDA Analog Output Module
Objednací číslo / Popis výrobku
Katalogová cena / Vaše cena
TIA Portal Cloud, 365-day certificate. You receive a Certificate of Contract for the activation of TIA Portal Cloud for 365 days, starting at the delivery date. This certificate expires automatically. - - content: Certificate of Contract (CoC) - - consignee email address required for delivery. - - only the specific terms under www.siemens.com/premiumdocs apply

Tento produkt se dodává formou Online Software Delivery (OSD) - stažením z webu.
TIA Portal Cloud, monthly subscription. available via the Industry Mall only. Consignee e-mail address required for delivery. For this service, only the following terms and conditions apply www.siemens.com/premiumdocs (i) documentation and supplemental terms for the subscription to free accessible services of Industry Premium Portal – Basic Services (ii) documentation and supplemental terms for the subscription to the TIA Portal Cloud and (iii) universal customer agreement.
Toto je Digital Offering

Tento produkt se dodává formou Online Software Delivery (OSD) - stažením z webu.
TIA Portal Cloud, pay-per-use (hourly). available via Industry Mall only. Consignee e-mail address required for delivery. For this service, only the following terms and conditions apply www.siemens.com/premiumdocs (i) documentation and supplemental terms for the subscription to free accessible services of Industry Premium Portal – Basic Services, (ii) documentation and supplemental terms for the subscription to the TIA Portal Cloud and (iii) universal customer agreement.
Toto je Digital Offering

Tento produkt se dodává formou Online Software Delivery (OSD) - stažením z webu.