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- Medium-voltage - Power distribution
- Energy Automation and Smart Grid
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- Fundamentals
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- Grid Simulation
- Power Quality
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- Smart Communication
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- Low-Voltage controls and distribution
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- ... and everything else you need
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Grid Simulation
Product No. / Product Description
Listprice / Your price
PSS SINCAL - Grundlagen, course ID: SINCAL-BAS, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www. siemens.com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy @siemens.com
PSS SINCAL - Schutz, course ID: SINCAL-PRO, course language: German , date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens.com/ pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@ siemens.com
PSS SINCAL - Zuverlässigkeitsberechnung, course ID: SINCAL-REL , course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens.com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@siemens.com
PSS SINCAL - Dynamik, course ID: SINCAL-DYN, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens.com/ pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@ siemens.com
PSS SINCAL - Automatisierung der Programmierschnittstelle und Datenbankzugriff (mit Python ®), course ID: SINCAL-AUT, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www. siemens.com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@siemens.com
PSS SINCAL - Harmonic Analyse, course ID: SINCAL-HAR, course language: German, date: earliest possible , location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www. siemens.com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@siemens.com
PSS SINCAL - Smart Grid, course ID: SINCAL-SG, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information under www.siemens.com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@ siemens.com
PSS SINCAL - Basics, course ID: INCAL-BAS, course language: English, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens.com/ pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@ siemens.com
PSS SINCAL - Protection Suite, course ID: SINCAL-PRO, course language: English, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www. siemens.com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@siemens.com
PSS SINCAL - Probabilistic Reliability Analysis, course ID: SIN CAL-REL, course language: English, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens.com/ pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@ siemens.com