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Upgrades for Process Historian and Information Server
Product No. / Product Description
Listprice / Your price
Übertragungs- & Verteilnetze - Grundlagen Teil 1, course ID: PE -TDNET1, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens.com/pa- dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@ siemens.com
4,719,764.01 South Korea Won
Übertragungs- & Verteilnetze - Grundlagen Teil 2, course ID: PE -TDNET2, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens.com/pa- dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@ siemens.com
4,719,764.01 South Korea Won
Energieverteilungsnetze - Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse, course ID: N ET-RELIAB, course language: German , date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens.com/ pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@ siemens.com
3,097,345.13 South Korea Won
Energieversorgungssysteme - Lastfluss- & Kurzschlussstromberechnung, course ID: NET-CALCU, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information under www.siemens.com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@siemens.com
4,719,764.01 South Korea Won
Netzplanung - Prinzipien, course ID: NET-PRINC, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www. siemens.com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy @siemens.com
4,719,764.01 South Korea Won
training arc flash hazards - analysis and risk assessment, course ID=PE-FLASH, course language=German, date=earliest possible, location=Nuremberg (CET), more information on training courses, preferred dates or contact options can be found at www.siemens.com/pa-dates or directly from poweracademy@siemens.com.
3,097,345.13 South Korea Won
Hoch- & Niederspannungsanlagen - Erdung & Beeinflussung, course ID: NET-EARTH, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens. com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy @siemens.com
3,097,345.13 South Korea Won
training safe & efficient distribution networks - basics, course ID=SAS-FUND, course language=German, date=earliest possible, location=Nuremberg (CET), more information on training courses, preferred dates or contact options can be found at www.siemens.com/pa-dates or directly from poweracademy@siemens.com.
3,097,345.13 South Korea Won
Sternpunktbehandlung, course ID: NET-GROUND, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www.siemens.com/ pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@ siemens.com
3,097,345.13 South Korea Won
Windkraftanlagen - Netzintegration, course ID: REN-WIND, course language: German, date: earliest possible, location: Nuremberg. After ordering, we will contact you to arrange a date. more information at www. siemens.com/pa-dates or directly by email request to poweracademy@siemens.com
3,097,345.13 South Korea Won