- Drive technology
- Automation technology
- Automation systems
- SIMATIC Industrial Automation Systems
- SIMOTION Motion Control System
- SINUMERIK CNC automation systems
- Glossary SINUMERIK 828D
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- Measuring functions and measuring cycles
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- Motion-synchronous actions
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- Programming support
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- Operating modes
- Tools
- Tool management
- Communication and data management
- Operation
- Monitoring functions
- Collision avoidance Protect MyMachine /3D Primitives
- Extended stop and retract ESR, drive-autonomous
- Stop and retract ESR, extended
- DYNEGMA – Dynamic Energy Management
- Compensations
- PLC area
- Safety functions
- Diagnostic functions
- SINAMICS S120 drive system
- SINAMICS S220 drive system
- SIMOTICS motors
- Motion Control Encoder measuring systems
- Services and training
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- System cabling/control cabinets
- SIMATIC HMI operator control and monitoring systems
- Identification and locating
- Industrial communication
- Modular Automation
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- Industrial Edge
- Industry software
- Industrial Computing
- Process control systems
- Process instrumentation
- Process analytics
- SITOP power supplies
- Products for specific requirements
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- ... and everything else you need
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Stop and retract ESR, extended
产品编号 / 产品说明
目录价格 / 您的价格
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect TAP 区域内;用于架设 PROFIBUS PA 段和 连接 PA 现场设备, 绝缘刺破式接线技术,IP67 交付形式:10 件=1 包装 .
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect M12 插座;嵌件,用于 直接将 PROFIBUS PA 现场设备连接至 SpliTConnect TAP,通过 M12 接口(插座可旋转) 1 包 = 5 件。
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect 耦合器;连接元件 用于级联 SpliTConnect TAP(装配 中性点); 1 包=10 件
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect 端接器(Ex)用于隔绝 PROFIBUS PA 段, 可在防爆区域内使用 1 包 = 5 件。
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect 端接器,用于隔绝 PROFIBUS PA 段,使用 无法在防爆区域内使用 1 包 = 5 件。
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect M12 插座,连接元件 用于直接将带 M12 接口的 PB PA 现场 设备连接至 PB FC 1 包 = 5 件。
PB FC 过程电缆 GP/ Ethernet-APL 电缆 GP, 总线用于 IEC 61158-2(PB) 和 IEC TS 60079-47(2-WISE) 护套颜色 蓝色,用于 防爆应用 2 芯 屏蔽,按米销售 供货单位最大 1000m 最小订货量 20m
PB FC 过程电缆 GP/ Ethernet-APL 电缆 GP, 连接电缆用于 IEC 61158-2(PB) 和 IEC TS 60079-47(2-WISE) 护套颜色 黑色,用于 防爆保护应用 2 线制 屏蔽,按米销售 供货单位最大 1000m 最小订货量 20m