- Drive technology
- Automation technology
- Energy
- Building Technologies
- Building automation systems
- HVAC products
- Standard controllers
- Standalone heating controllers
- Communicating heating controllers
- Communicating district heating controllers
- Standalone HVAC controllers
- Duct temperature controllers RLM..
- Room temperature controllers RLA..
- Universal controllers RLU..
- Field devices for RLU..
- Sensors, setpoint adjusters
- QBM2030.. - Differential pressure sensor, DC 0...10 V
- QBE63-DP.. - Differential pressure sensors for liquids and gase (DC 0…10 V)
- QFM2100 - Duct sensor for humidity
- QLS60 - Solar sensor
- QAC22 - Outside sensor LG-Ni1000
- QPM21.. - Duct air quality sensor CO2/ temperature / rel. humidity / VOC
- QAM16..020 - Duct temperature sensor
- QPM../MO - Duct air quality sensor CO2 / temperature / rel. humidity / VOC; Modbus
- QAM2112.040 - Duct temperature sensor 400 mm, Pt1000
- QAT22 - Window pane temperature sensor
- QBE61.3-DP.. - Differential pressure sensor for liquids and gases
- QAC3161 - Outside/room temperature sensor DC 0...10 V
- QFM4160 - Duct sensor for humidity (0...10 V) and temperature (0...10 V) with calibration certificate
- QFM2120 - Duct sensor for humidity and temperature
- QAP21.2 - Cable temperature sensor for high-temperature applications (180°C)
- QAM2120.040 - Duct temperature sensor 400 mm, LG-Ni1000
- QAE2120.010 - Immersion temperature sensor 100 mm LG-Ni1000, with protection pocket
- QFM2160 - Duct sensor for humidity and temperature
- QAM2120.200 - Duct temperature sensor 2000 mm, LG-Ni1000
- QAD26.220 - Strap-on temperature sensor with cable LG-Ni1000
- QAP22 - Cable temperature sensor PVC 2 m, LG-Ni1000
- QAM2120.600 - Duct temperature sensor 6000 mm, LG-Ni1000
- FGT-PT1000 - Flue gas temperature sensor Pt1000
- QAE2120.015 - Immersion temperature sensor 150 mm, LG-Ni1000, with protection pocket
- QAD22 - Strap-on temperature sensor LG-Ni1000
- QAP21.3 - Cable temperature sensor silicone 1.5 m, LG-Ni1000
- QAE2121.010 - Immersion temperature sensor 100 mm, LG-Ni1000, without protection pocket
- QAE2164.010 - Immersion temperature sensor 100 mm
- QAE2164.015 - Immersion temperature sensor 150 mm
- QVM62.1-HE - Duct air velocity sensor for heavy environment
- QFM3100 - Duct sensor for humidity for demanding requirements
- QFM3160 - Duct sensor for humidity and temperature for demanding requirements
- QBE2003-P.. - Pressure sensor for neutral and slightly aggressive liquids and gases (0…10 V)
- QBE3000.. - Differential pressure sensors for liquids and gase (0…10 V)
- QBE2004-P..U - Pressure sensor for refrigerants (0…10 V)
- Monitors
- Room units / sensors
- Step switches, signal converters, transformers and display
- Universal controllers RWD..
- Communicating HVAC controllers
- Various electrical accessories
- Standalone refrigeration controller
- Software, web server and system devices
- Room automation
- IoT solutions
- Home automation system
- Thermostats
- Sensors
- Valves and actuators
- Damper actuators
- Variable speed drives
- Meters
- OEM products
- Pneumatic range
- Fire Safety
- KNX Building Control
- Low-Voltage controls and distribution
- Market-specific solutions
- Services
- Software
- ... and everything else you need
| |
QAE2120.010 - Immersion temperature sensor 100 mm LG-Ni1000, with protection pocket
产品编号 / 产品说明
目录价格 / 您的价格
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect TAP 区域内;用于架设 PROFIBUS PA 段和 连接 PA 现场设备, 绝缘刺破式接线技术,IP67 交付形式:10 件=1 包装 .
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect M12 插座;嵌件,用于 直接将 PROFIBUS PA 现场设备连接至 SpliTConnect TAP,通过 M12 接口(插座可旋转) 1 包 = 5 件。
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect 耦合器;连接元件 用于级联 SpliTConnect TAP(装配 中性点); 1 包=10 件
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect 端接器(Ex)用于隔绝 PROFIBUS PA 段, 可在防爆区域内使用 1 包 = 5 件。
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect 端接器,用于隔绝 PROFIBUS PA 段,使用 无法在防爆区域内使用 1 包 = 5 件。
PROFIBUS PA SpliTConnect M12 插座,连接元件 用于直接将带 M12 接口的 PB PA 现场 设备连接至 PB FC 1 包 = 5 件。
PB FC 过程电缆 GP/ Ethernet-APL 电缆 GP, 总线用于 IEC 61158-2(PB) 和 IEC TS 60079-47(2-WISE) 护套颜色 蓝色,用于 防爆应用 2 芯 屏蔽,按米销售 供货单位最大 1000m 最小订货量 20m
PB FC 过程电缆 GP/ Ethernet-APL 电缆 GP, 连接电缆用于 IEC 61158-2(PB) 和 IEC TS 60079-47(2-WISE) 护套颜色 黑色,用于 防爆保护应用 2 线制 屏蔽,按米销售 供货单位最大 1000m 最小订货量 20m