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SIRIUS solid-state switching devices for switching resistive/inductive loads
Solid-state relays
Solid-state relays
Widths of 22.5 mm and 45 mm
Compact and space-saving design
"Zero-point switching" version
Mounting on existing cooling surfaces
Solid-state contactors
Solid-state contactors
Complete units comprising a solid-state relay and an optimized heat sink, "ready to use"
Compact and space-saving design
Versions for resistive loads "zero-point switching" and inductive loads "instantaneous switching"
Special "low noise" and "short-circuit-proof" versions
Function modules
For extending the functionality of the 3RF21 solid-state relays and the 3RF23 solid-state contactors for many different applications
For converting an analog input signal into an on/off ratio; can also be used on 3RF22 and 3RF24 3-phase switching devices
Load monitoring
For load monitoring of one or more loads (partial loads)
3RF29..‑0FA08, 3RF29.0‑0GA1.
Heating current monitoring
For load monitoring of one or more loads (partial loads); remote teach
Power controllers
For setting the current by means of a solid-state switching device depending on a setpoint value set by the power controller. There is a choice of full-wave control and generalized phase control
Power regulators
For regulating the current by means of a solid-state switching device, depending on a setpoint value set by the power regulator. Closed-loop control: full-wave control or generalized phase control
SIRIUS solid-state switching devices for switching motors
Complete units in the insulated enclosure with integrated heat sink, "ready to use"
Compact and space-saving design
Version for motors, "instantaneous switching"
Use of SIRIUS 3RF34 solid-state switching devices in conjunction with IE3 and IE4 motors
For the use of SIRIUS 3RF34 solid-state switching devices for switching motors in conjunction with highly efficient IE3 and IE4 motors, please observe the information on dimensioning and configuring, see Equipment Manual.
All about Soft starters and solid-state switching devices