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- SIMATIC HMI 操作员控制和监视系统
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- SIRIUS 工业控制设备
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- 用于控制柜的电机启动器
- 监控继电器
- SIRIUS ACT 按钮和指示灯
- 电子可组态,8WD46 信号灯柱,直径 70 mm
- 8WD42 和 8WD44 信号灯柱
- RFID 系统
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- 使用 SIRIUS 进行参数设置、组态和可视化
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 - SIRIUS non-stabilized power supplies
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- 中国生产的产品
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SIRIUS ACT pushbuttons and indicator lights
Product No. / Product Description
Listprice / Your price
The RUGGEDCOM RMC41 is a 2-port unmanaged Ethernet switch that provides both copper-to-fiber media conversion as well as 10Mbps to 100Mbps speed conversion. Specifically designed to operate reliably in electrically and climatically harsh environments, it is well suited for use in mission critical Ethernet networking applications. 2-Ethernet Ports with Optional dual Fiber Optics 1 port 10/100TX + 1 port 100FX (SC/ST) multimode or singlemode
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