- Drive technology
- Automation technology
- Automation systems
- SIMATIC HMI operator control and monitoring systems
- Identification and locating
- Industrial communication
- Modular Automation
- Industrial controls
- Industrial Edge
- Industry software
- Industrial Computing
- Process control systems
- Process instrumentation
- Process analytics
- SITOP power supplies
- Products for specific requirements
- Automation technology for extreme conditions
- SIMATIC industrial automation systems
- Controllers
- Basic Controllers
- Advanced Controllers
- SIPLUS S7-1500
- SIPLUS S7-300
- SIPLUS S7-400
- SIPLUS S7-400 central processing units
- SIPLUS S7-400 signal modules
- SIPLUS S7-400 digital modules
- SIPLUS S7-400 analog modules
- SIPLUS S7-400 SM 431
- SIPLUS S7-400 SM 432
- SIPLUS S7-400 communication
- SIPLUS S7-400 racks
- SIPLUS S7-400 interface modules
- SIPLUS S7-400 power supplies
- Distributed Controllers
- SIPLUS I/O systems
- SIPLUS Motion Control System
- Process control systems
- Operator control and monitoring systems
- SIPLUS PC-based Automation
- Industrial communication
- Industrial controls
- Power supplies
- SIPLUS Add-ons
- Customized Automation
- Telecontrol systems for comprehensive applications
- SIDOOR automatic door controls
- Condition Monitoring Systems
- Electrical Charging Components
- Electrical Monorail Systems (SIMOVE EMS)
- Energy
- Building Technologies
- Low-Voltage controls and distribution
- Market-specific solutions
- Services
- Software
- ... and everything else you need
| |
SIPLUS S7-400 SM 432
产品编号 / 产品说明
目录价格 / 您的价格
RUGGEDCOM RS416 是一种工业强化型 串行设备服务器, 集成了全面管理型 以太网交换机,设计 用于在 电气严苛环境和 气候要求苛刻的 环境中可靠运行。 128 位加密; 多达 16 个串行端口和 多达 4 个以太网端口, 铜或光纤选项; 支持 IEEE 1588 v2; 非阻塞, 存储和转发交换