Siemens has developed standardized system solutions that supplement its range of individual system solutions for a wide range of sector-specific applications.
Our system solutions have had outstanding success in practice and are subject to continuous further development.
Continuous emission monitoring
In many countries, operators of power plants, large incinerators, waste incineration plants and other such installations are required by law to continuously monitor emissions. They therefore impose the following requirements, which are met by Siemens process analytic products and solutions:
- The demands of the operators (also) to gather additional information on the efficiency of processes to be monitored from the analysis results.
- Compliance with regional statutory regulations such as 2000/76/EU, 2001/80/EU, IED 2010/75/EU, as well as quality standards such as in the QAL 1/2/3 and AST program of the EU
- Corresponding requirements in other regions that have committed to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, for example.
Set CEM CERT and Set CEM 1 are standardized solution packages for the continuous monitoring of emissions (Continuous Emission Monitoring System = CEMS); in some places in Europe these are also referred to as Automated Measurement System (AMS). The solution packages meet the requirements described above starting with sampling, over the sample preparation unit all the way to the actual gas analyzer. In addition to these CEMS (or AMS) solutions, other standard products or individually configured solutions for emission measuring applications can be offered through Siemens. For example, total mercury analyzer, dust/opacity and flow-rate measuring equipment, additional analyzers and individual emission data management systems.
Set GGA - Continuous monitoring of H2-cooled generators
In hydrogen-cooled turbo generators in power plants, the gas mixture is monitored for protection against explosion hazard, and hydrogen purity is determined for economic reasons. A special analysis system with two CALOMAT 6 analyzers has been developed for this task. It complies with the relevant regulations with regard to redundancy and explosion protection.
Supplied product documentation on DVD and safety notes
The scope of delivery of the Siemens products for process analytics includes a multilingual instruction sheet with safety notes as well as a uniform DVD - "Analytical products".
This DVD contains the most important manuals and certificates for the Siemens process analytics portfolio. The delivery may also contain product-specific or order-specific printed materials. For more information, see section 7 "Appendix".
Download catalogs
The entire documentation is available for download free of charge in various languages at:
All available certificates are listed on the internet at: